




-League Referees are authorized to act on behalf of the League Coordinator and can intervene in a game where they see fit. In the event that a game is unsafe or getting out of hand, League Referees have been tasked to step in as to ensure rules and regulations are being adhered to (even in their own games if need be). This is for the benefit of the entire League and all players. We ask that players and spectators respect these individuals as they work to protect and develop a positive culture for our League.


-Games are intended to be “self-refereed”. A referee is another set of eyes and are there to settle any discrepancies, their word is final. Referees are to be treated with respect and players are responsible for being HONEST.

-All players must complete the online waiver prior to playing. This is done after a player is registered to a team online. “Substitute” players are also required to register to your team and complete the online waiver. It is the responsibility of the captain and player to make sure all players have completed the waiver before playing. Playing a game with players who have not completed this process could result in the game being deemed a default (please see default rules). ALL PLAYERS MUST COMPLETE A PAPER WAIVER IN ADDITION. ONLY ONE IS REQUIRED FOR YOUR DODGEBALL CAREER.

-Players must be on the court and playing (either on the court or in the jail line) by the 25 minute mark in a game (applies to regular and playoff games only). Players arriving late but before the 25 minute mark may join at the beginning of the line but must be “earned” on – meaning they can only join if their team gets someone out.

-If a player is injured in play and is sitting out they have 3 sets to return to play (not including the current set). If they cannot rejoin the game in 3 sets they are considered ineligible to play. This rule is designed to deter teams from “sitting players” in order to gain tactical advantage. EDH strives for a fun, fast and fair game and promotes an active game that is inclusive of all team members.

-Each team plays with 5 players on the court to start (Maximum 10 on a team). A team has until 10 minutes past the start time (“Grace Period”) to have at least 4 registered (people not “borrowed” from other teams) on the court or they default the game. NOTE: Women’s Lite League – Teams have max 4 players on the court and must have at least 3 registered players present by 7 minutes past the start time (7 minute “grace period”).

-A team can “borrow” one person from another team if they need to make 5 only during regular season games, not for play-off games. If a team has only 4 players and needs to “borrow” a player from another team they can only borrow a player from their own division, any division below or one (max two) division(s) above them. Example: a “D” Division team cannot borrow from “A” Division but can borrow from “B”, “C” or “D”. This however, does not apply to female players who can be borrowed at any time if a team does not have 2 (During regular season only).

-Players are permitted to play for one team, per night, per season (unless being “borrowed” – see rule above). This means a person cannot play on more than one team in one night. Doing so is against the regulation rules and can result in a team default. Players ARE permitted to play on multiple teams, if the teams are registered on different nights (i.e. Wednesday, Thursday or Friday night leagues).

-Each team MUST have at least two participating girls on the court to start each set. Teams are not permitted to have a “ghost” female player or non-participating female player (meaning a female player that is deliberately stepping out of bounds instead of playing) to avoid a 5 set deficit (see rule below). Doing so is considered unsportsmanlike.

-A team can “borrow” female players from other teams at any time (excluding play-offs).

-If a team only has one female player they must start at a 5 set deficit and play with only 4 players on the court. If a team’s second female player arrives after the 10 minute “grace period” the team can then play with the full 5 players but the 5 set deficit remains.

-If a team only has two female players and one is injured (or red carded) during play that team must play with 4 max and a set deficit is applied depending on how much of the game is still to be played. (If injury happens in first 15 min. = 4 sets, before half = 3 sets, just after half 2 sets, 15 min. left = 1 set).

-If a team does not have any female players, they default the game. This would also happen if a team only has one female player and that player is injured during the game and unable to play. The game would be called a default at that point in favour of the opposing team (we advise teams to have more than 2 female players per team to avoid this). NOTE: Remember that teams can borrow female players from other teams and other divisions at any time without penalty (excluding playoffs).

-Teams will not be allowed to “rotate” extra players into sets. Teams may have a maximum of 10 players at any game. You can have more than 10 on your roster but only 10 are allowed to show up to any given game.

-“Substitute” players are welcome to play for a team during regular season. However, they must register online to the team they are playing for and complete the waiver before playing and are then designated to that team. Rules regarding being a borrowed player for another team would apply as stated above.


-If a team defaults a game (see stipulations above) they will receive 0 points. The team that does show up will receive 3 points for the win. If a team defaults twice in the same season they will be fined $50 which must be paid prior to playing their next game. A team will then be fined $50 for every default game after that. Fines must be paid in full in order to play. $25 of the fines will go to the team that did show for the game, the other $25 goes to pay the referee and for the facility.


-During regular season games teams are awarded 3 points for a win, 2 points for a tie, 1 point for a loss and 0 points for a default.

-If there is a tie at the end of the regular season in Points it goes to
set differential (+/-), then head to head, then coin toss.

-The maximum set differential awarded to a team per game is +/- 10.

-If, during a game there is a point difference of 10+ sets the referee will ask the losing team if they would like to stop the game where it is (score would be as it is) and mix up teams to play a “fun” game. The decision to “mix up” teams is the losing teams choice and they are permitted to decline the option and continue to play as they are.


-Players start at back wall. Five on a side (additional players are in “jail” and are the first to go in) – teams start with at least 2 female players on.

-3 Balls are placed on middle line and official says, “Go!”

-At the start of each set the player with the ball must get both feet behind the attack and down before throwing forward (if in possession of the ball). Or the ball can be thrown back behind the attack line, to a live player, before throwing it at the other team. Both strategies are called “Checking the ball”. Once a ball is “checked”, the player may go right up to the middle line again to throw the ball. If a player fails to get both feet back behind the attack line and down before they throw the ball at an opponent they will be called out (the opposition does NOT get a player back in for this).

-Players can eliminate the opposition by hitting them with a ball that has not bounced off the wall or ground or by catching a throw before it touches the ground or wall.

-Fixtures on the walls (i.e. basketball nets etc.) are considered part of the wall.

-A ball that hits the ground or the wall is considered dead and cannot get anyone out.

-If you get someone out, one of your teammates is allowed to come back to the court (up to a maximum of 5) and must do so in a timely manner (up to the discretion of referee). Once any part of the incoming player’s body crosses the plain of the jail line, they are considered live even if their body part has not touched the court. If a player gets hit before they’ve even set foot on the court, they are out as long as their body part has/had already crossed the jail line. If they catch, same rule applies. They are a live player.

-Players return to the game in the same order in which they were hit. Failure to do this is considered unsportsmanlike and can result in a yellow card (referee’s discretion).

-Additional players (substitutes) are the first to re-enter the game to a maximum of 5.

-In some courts areas are considered “hitting the floor”. This is specific to courts with bleachers or a stage close by ONLY. If the ball hits the horizontal surface of bleachers or a stage it is considered dead (as if it had hit the floor). However, no part of a basketball net or ledges are considered the floor. If a ball hits any part of a basketball net, including the mesh it is like hitting the wall.

-If a player is hit (clothing and hair count) or their ball is caught, they are out.

-An “out” player must raise their hand immediately and can no longer play the ball. If they have a ball in their hands they can toss that to a teammate but may not deliberately play balls not in their possession.

-“Out” players must make their way immediately to the designated jail area and remain in the order in which they were hit.

-While in jail, players must keep all body parts inside the jail. “Out” players CANNOT lean out of jail to play a ball. Jails are behind the attack lines. “Out” players are not to reach into or enter the neutral zone (between the attack lines) to play a ball. Doing so is considered unsportsmanlike and could result in a yellow card. Balls stopped illegally by jail players must be rolled over to opposing team.

-If a ball goes into the jail area an “out” player must put it back into play in a timely fashion. Jail players are NOT permitted to play the ball over the middle line. Throws must come through a live player. If a jail player plays a ball over the middle line, a live player is out. The opposing team does NOT get a man back in for this.

-Balls deflected accidently or unintentionally off “out” players are dead (same as hitting the wall or roof).

-Deliberately playing the ball when you are “out” is considered unsportsmanlike conduct and could result in a yellow or red card (see below).

-A ball is live until it touches the ground, an “out” player or the wall. This means if a ball bounces off a “live” player and is caught it is considered “live ball” and the thrower is out. Similarly, if a ball hits two people before hitting the ground or the wall they are both out. The other team would then get two people in (to a maximum of 5).

-You can use a ball to block or deflect incoming throws, as long as you maintain the possession of that ball. If you lose possession, you are out.

-If a player uses a ball to block or deflect and then releases their ball in a controlled manner to catch, they are safe. This is called a “ditch to catch” and is legal.

– If you’re using a ball to deflect, you MUST make it clear to the referee that it was a clean deflection. If the referee is not satisfied that the hit is a clear deflection, you will be called out.

-If any part of a player crosses the middle line and touches the opponent’s side, that player is out and the opposition does NOT get a player back in for this.

-Live players MUST keep some part of their body in the playing area at all times. Failure to do so will result in that player being out. The opposition does NOT get a player back in for this. The only exception to this rule is when a live player cannot reach a ball that is sitting off the court. At this time the player should raise their hand quickly to signify that they intend to leave the court to get a ball (this is a deliberate move to get a ball and not the act of dodging). While out of bounds a player is live and can be hit and can catch but must return to the court in a timely fashion.

-Players may not deliberately use their jail to avoid being hit. Deliberately using “jail” players to block shots is considered poor sportsmanship. Players will receive one warning then will be called out and/or a yellow card (see below).

-No hiding in jail at any time.

-HEAD SHOTS: If a player throws a ball that hits another standing player directly in the head/face neither the thrower nor the hit player are out – this is considered an “illegal ball” (see rule below). Deflected balls off hands, shoulders, walls, other players do not count as head shots. Onus is on the thrower to hit a player below the “head zone” – this is the area a player’s head would be when they are standing straight up). HOWEVER, If a player bends down, ducks or jumps their head is no longer in the “head zone”, it is not considered a head shot, and that player would be out. Head shot rules are up to the discretion of a referee and if it is questionable the call will go in favor of the hit player.

-Players must throw the balls below a “Waste Line”. This line will be designated by the referee prior to the game (approx. 8 feet high). A player who throws a ball above this line and regains possession of the ball because of it, must roll the ball back to the opponent – this is also considered an “illegal ball” (see rule below).This is a referee’s call and no man is out for it. This rule is intended to keep the game fast and to ensure thrown balls are “playable” by the defensive team.

-“Illegal balls” (Head shot or Wasted balls) cannot benefit the throwing team. Meaning, if an illegal ball causes the non-throwing team player to get hit, the player(s) will not be out. This is up to the discretion of the referee. (e.g. A player jumps or turns to stop a wasted ball and gets hit in the process. Or a head shot bounces off and hits another player – the player is not out). Also up to the discretion of the referee is if a throwing team has deliberately used a “head height” throw (doesn’t have to make contact with head) to distract a player in order to hit them with another ball. This practice/strategy is not permitted and is up to the discretion of the referee to call a hit player safe and/or warn or award yellow card to the throwing team. If you receive a headshot and are hit with another in the same play, you are considered safe. The hit is washed due to the headshot.

-Any touch, as long as it doesn’t hit the ground or the wall is considered a “throw” and the normal rules apply. This means if a ball hits a player and bounces back over the line and is caught the player it bounced off is out. This also applies to balls deflected off held balls (they are considered throws and if caught the “deflecting player” is out).

-A “driven ball” is slightly different. This is when a player hits an opponent so hard that the ball bounces back over the line and hits someone on their own side before hitting the ground. This would result in a “one for one” meaning both hit players are out and both teams get a player back in. – This would not be a “one for one”. It depends on who was hit first and how many players were on each team prior to the hit. It’s easier to call one for one but it is not the right call. Player A hits Player B and both teams have 5 players on each side, that ball bounces off Player B and comes back to hit Player A, only Player B’s team gets a player back in. This is because Player A’s team had 5 players when she hit Player B.

-SAVE: If a player is hit by a ball, it bounces off a wall and is caught on their side before it touches the ground that player has been “saved” and neither the thrower nor the hit player are out.

-A ball can only remain on each side for a maximum of 10 seconds (referees countdown to zero). A player deliberately holding a ball over the 10 seconds is out and the ball must be rolled over to the other team. This rule is meant to keep the game moving and it is up to the discretion of the referee to count a ball down.


-Players have 10 seconds to release balls from their hand. Once a ball crosses a team’s own attack line the 10 second count will apply even if it is placed down again, is out of bounds, or is in jail. A player has until the “o” of the referee’s “zero” to release the ball out of their hand. That ball must then cross the opponents’ attack line or be picked up by an opponent at some time (and under its own steam) to avoid the thrower being called out. (e.g. If a thrower releases a ball on the “o” of “zero” but the ball stops short in the neutral line the thrower is out – no man awarded to the opposing team). IF A PLAYER RELEASES THE BALL AT THE “O” OF “ZERO”, IT MUST BE CLEAR TO THE REFEREE THAT IT WILL PASS THE OPPONENT’S NEUTRAL ZONE WITHOUT ANY ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE FROM THAT PLAYER AS THEY WILL ALREADY BE OUT.

-If a ball is sitting in the neutral zone (between the two attack lines) and has at no time been in a player’s possession (i.e. hasn’t been picked up and placed down or played by jail players) it will not be counted.

-If a ball “expires” the person holding it is out. If it is not being held the team must choose a player to go out. The opposition does NOT get a player back in for this. If a player is holding a ball that is being counted and is hit the count is restarted for that ball.

-As soon as a team has only 1 player left any balls on their side are re-counted starting at 10. If there is only one player left a “10 second-count” will not be given unless there is more than one ball on that side. This means the final player can have one ball on their side for as long as they want.

-Balls in the “neutral zone” (between the green attack lines) are not counted and would not need to be played (assuming that the ball has not been played by someone on that team).


-Kicking, spiking, swatting, scooping, pinching and/or punching the ball is not allowed, considered dangerous/destructive to the equipment and not a valid throw. Players are permitted to use their feet to stop a ball or pass a ball to a teammate but can NOT use feet to get the ball over the middle line. A player who does this will receive a warning (assuming they have never been warned before). This is considered a warning to both teams. The next offence would result in that player being called out and a potentional yellow card for unsportsmanlike conduct.

-Players are not permitted to “pinch” the outer cover of the ball. This damages the balls. A player caught doing so will be warned then yellow carded if it continues.

-Players are NOT permitted to use their feet to contesting for a ball at the beginning of a game. Doing so is dangerous and could result in a yellow card. IF THERE IS A POSSIBILITY OF MAKING CONTACT WITH AN OPPONENT, PLAYERS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO USE THEIR FEET TO STOP A BALL AT THE LINE.

-“Superman’s” or “Suicide Jumps” (deliberately jumping across line in order to throw a ball at an opponent) are banned and considered poor sportsmanship. HOWEVER, a sacrifice (jumping over the middle line to swat a ball back) is allowed as long as the player makes contact with the ball before landing, some part of the player’s body lands in the neutral zone and no contact is made with an opposing player during the move. If a player fails to do this, they are out and the ball is returned to its original spot.

-BONUS: If there is only one person left on a team and they catch a ball, their entire team re-enters the game, up to 5. If there is only one person left on a team and they can survive 6 throws they get one player back in.

-Once a team has eliminated everyone on the opposite team they receive a point for winning that set. Sets are played for 55 minutes with a 2 minute half-time around the 25 min (teams switch sides – unless mutually agree not to). PLAYOFFS MUST SWITCH SIDES

-The team with most points wins the game. If the time finishes while a set is still going, the team with the most players still on the court at that moment will receive the point.

-SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: If the court has two different backings (meaning a curtain at the back of one side and a wall on the other). Teams switch every 3 points (combined scores). Ex. St. Luke’s, St. Agnes etc.

-Regular season games can end in ties.

-In the unfortunate event of a serious injury that does not allow a game to continue the following protocol will be followed. If the injury occurs in the first half and injured player is removed from the playing area with at least half of the game to be played the game continues as is (extra time can be added if it is feasible to do so). If the injury occurs within the last 15 minutes of a game the score will be what it was at the time of injury (if it is not possible to extend the game). Whenever possible, games should be played out, even if it pushes the next game back. This will be up to the discretion of the referee and league coordinators. If the injury happens in the first half but not enough time is left to play one 25 minute half that game will be postponed and if it is feasible rescheduled. In this case, league coordinators will contact captains to discuss the options.

-Playoff games are also 55 minutes long and the time limit still applies. See playoff rules for tie breaking overtime set below.

-Poor sportsmanship (i.e. arguing with the ref, making calls on opponents, verbal abuse, persistent cheating, deliberately blocking shots when out, playing etc.) can and will result in yellow and/or red cards (see below).

-Taunting an opponent is considered unsportsmanlike and will be addressed in the same manor (yellow and/or red cards).

-Unsportsmanlike behavior is up to the discretion of the referee.

-If a player has an issue with a call or opposing player the captain (and only the captain) can approach the referee between sets and state the issue or ask for clarification. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in a yellow and/or red card.

-If a team or player has a complaint they are invited to call or email the League Coordinator. However teams/players must wait 24 hours before sending an email or calling. This is allows for a “cooling off” period.

-Women’s Lite League – Games are 40 minutes in length (running time – no half time). Players have 7 seconds with the ball on their side (instead of 10). All other rules apply.


Yellow Cards:
A yellow card is shown by the referee to indicate that a player has been temporarily suspended from the game and must sit out for 1-3 sets (depending on the severity of infraction and up to the discretion of the referee).

-During the suspension that team will play with a maximum of 4 on the court.

-A yellow card could be shown to a player for the following infractions;
1. Unsporting behaviour
2. Dissent by word or action towards a referee
3. Persistently infringing the rules of the game

If a player receives a second yellow card within the same game they must sit out the remainder of the game.

If the second yellow card infraction happens in the final 10 minutes of a game, that player will sit out for the remainder of that game as well as 3 sets of the next game. During this time the team will play with a maximum of 4 on the court.

If the suspended player is not present at the next game, that team will still play with a maximum of 4 players (at least 2 females) for the first 3 sets of the next game.

Red Cards:
A red card is shown by the referee to indicate that a player has committed a major infraction. Upon receiving a red card a player must leave the court immediately and is suspended for 1 to 3 full games. The game will not continue until the suspended player has left the court and the team will then play with a maximum of 4 for three sets. During the 1-3 game suspension, that team will play with a maximum of 4 players (at least 2 females) for their first 3 sets of each game.

A red card could be shown to a player for the following infractions;
1. Serious foul play (a violent foul)
2. Violent conduct (any other act of violence)
3. Using offensive, insulting or abusive language towards a referee or opponent If a player receives two red cards in a season they may be permanently excluded from the league without refund (up to the discretion of the Board of Directors).

EDH reserves the right to exclude a player from the league immediately and indefinitely if it deems an infraction of the rules to be serious enough.


-Teams must submit a play-off roster before their first play-off game.

-Named players must have played at least two games with the team (during the pre-season and/or regular season)

-Teams can NOT borrow players (male or female) from other teams during play-offs and can only play with a set 10 players per game.

-Play-off games end the same way regular season games end. At 55 minutes the team with the most players wins the point for that set. If this point then makes the score a tie, the balls are reset where one new overtime set is played. The team that wins that set, wins the game.

-If a Play-off game goes into overtime and the court has significantly different back walls (i.e. one side curtain one side bleachers etc.) There will be a coin toss; who ever won the final point will call it in the air. Winning team of the coin toss chooses which side their team plays on for the final overtime set.

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